You are amazing! You are unique and special. Life, however, has thrown you a curveball. Things that used to support you seem to be working against you. And life is harder when your surroundings work against you.
Wait!... What if there was a place that empowered you, that brought joy to you, that fostered your creativity, and supported your independence and self-care. A place you can express yourself, share and laugh with others, make memories, and feel safe.
At Accessibility Design we know there is such a place. It is called your home. Together let us create this possibility for you.
Having specialized in accessible design for more than 30 years, the Accessibility Design team are experts in home transformation. Using tailored services, a vast network, and flexible, universal design principles, we'll help you rediscover freedom, independence, and dignity inside your home. Let us show you how!
Let's take this journey together!
After 30 years of experience, and over 5,000 projects, we know the “language”, the “process”, the “hang-ups” and the “pot-holes”.
Professionals refer projects to us from many different areas of our community. Each one requires different parameters and process.
To support our community's needs, Accessibility Design has created a specialized internal process for each of the following.
Efficient. Effective. Refined.
No worries, we're here to help.